Dhat Problem and Ayurvedic Treatment

Dhat Problem and Ayurvedic Treatment

Spermatorrhoea is known by the term dhat syndrome in Ayurveda, which translates to semen-loss syndrome.

According to Ayurvedic experts, semen is a vital element in the body and excessive fluidity is an indication of semen loss. Dietary changes and herbal treatments are promoted for the treatment of reproductive system diseases like spermatorrhoea.

Spermatorrhoea is a condition characterised by involuntary ejaculation even in the absence of sexual activity. It may occur in the waking state during the day or at night while sleeping/dreaming. It is considered a pathological condition if a person experiences spermatorrhoea more than three times a week along with dizziness, insomnia, weakness in the lower back and legs, and low energy levels. Excessive sexual activity, masturbation, emotional imbalance and alcohol consumption are some of the causes of spermatorrhoea.

may be further categorized under three heads:

• Only Dhat: In this case, the patients present with hypochondriacally oriented symptoms attributed to the loss of semen

• Dhat accompanied by anxiety or depression: In this case, depression or anxiety is the core condition that may be accompanied by Dhat

• Dhat accompanied by sexual dysfunction: In such cases, the patient may complain of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or other psychosexual dysfunction conditions such as depressive neurosis, somatoform/ hypochondriasis, or anxiety neurosis.

Dhat Syndrome Treatment in Ayurveda

• Use ayurvedic herbs for Dhat Syndrome which enhance energy and performance of the reproductive system. These herbs will remove debility and weakness and will elevate levels of testosterone hormone in the body to rejuvenate and re-energize the reproductive system.

• These pills helps in Dhat Roga also contain herbs which strengthen, repair, and stimulate nerves and maintain an optimum supply of energy throughout the day to prevent semen discharge with urine.

• Shilajit is a herb that is known for enhancing sexual potency. Shilajit capsules come loaded with herbs which supplement minerals and nutrients in a bio-available form to remove deficiencies improving the functioning of organs and muscles to counteract fatigue.

Regular counseling is often advocated in such cases along with anti-anxiety and anti-depression medication. Medication may also be prescribed to keep semen from leaking into the urine. The patient is also taught to relax so as to ensure the smooth functioning of the genitourinary system. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.From Khandani Vaid Dr Sukhjinder Singh Yogi who is the best sexologist in india you are promised results with no compromise on other health aspects so u can live your life healthily. The root cause of the disturbance can be determined only by “pulse readings” and other observations (darshan), sparshan (touch), question (prashan). Dr Yogi’s Ayurveda family keeping you healthy since 4 generations. Our all treatment is pure herbal safe. As all the medicine are GMP, USA FDA, Approved with halal certified.

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