Delayed Ejaculation, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It takes place if you take much longer time to ejaculate while sexual climax than what is normal. This issue is also known as ‘impaired ejaculation
Causes : Hormonal imbalance such as low testosterone level or low thyroid-hormone level.
Prostate related problems
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Certain injuries occurring in the pelvic nerves
Certain birth defects found in the reproductive organs
Sexual fantasies
Poor body image
Sexual performance anxiety
Relationship problems
Anxiety, depression or stress
Antipsychotic medications
Certain diuretics
High BP medications
Ayurvedic treatment is getting popular these days to treat sexual dysfunctions such as DE, PE and ED. In Ayurveda, Vajikarana therapy is quite useful and result oriented. It helps promote male virility and infertility.
Apart from these treatments, it is important that you adopt healthy lifestyle and do exercises regularly. Also change your existing food habits to something healthy and well balanced. Drink more water, avoid smoking,drugs, etc. and enjoy good sexual health. Ayurveda helps weed out the health problems from within and makes you feel like a new person, who will enjoy being with the partner.
If u wish to get a permanent relieve from above illness or any disease feel free to consult at YOGIS AYURVEDA For safe & permanent treatment Yogi Ayurveda has been working in the Healthcare sector since 4 generations to provide the best preventing and successful treatment for digestion, thyroid, sex, semen, hormonal imbalance, stress, STD ,Hair problem and other Health Care disorders.
We have satisfied pateint from 5 to.94 yrs age with clinical evidences
We have successfully treated patients till 74 yrs age, sexually fit
Our all treatment are pure herbal safe
USFDA,GMP,ISO and HALAL approved and certified
Feel free to call or online
Our treatment are non steroids and having no side effects
The root cause of the disturbance can be determined only by “pulse readings” and other observations (darshan), sparshan (touch), question (prashan). Khandani Vaid Khandani Vaid Dr. Sukhjinder Singh Yogi you are promised results with no compromise on other health aspects that have gained wide acceptance and popularity globally. Khandani Vaid Dr.Sukhjinder Singh yogi provides best treatment with his medicine.
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