Amenorrhea is missing one or more periods. Amenorrhea is often the sign of a treatable condition with treatment menstrual cycle will usually resume. Causes should be determined for amenorrhea.
- Chromosomal or genetic problem the ovaries.
- Hormonal issues stemming from problems with the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland .
- Structural problem with the reproduction organs such as missing parts of the reproductive system.
- Pregnancy ( most common causes).
- Breast feeding .
- Birth control , methods such as injectability like Depo-Provera, IVA and birth control pills .
- Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer
- D&C (dilatation & curettage)
- Stress
- Poor nutritious .
- Extreme wet loss or obesity.
- Primary ovarian insufficiency.
- Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.
- Pituitary disorders such as benign pituitary tumours.
- PCOD ( polycystic ovarian diseases)
- Ovarian tumour.
- Surgical removal of uterus and ovaries.
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