

ALOPECIA:- hair loss from scalp or elsewhere from body.

ALOPECIA AREATA :- its believe to be autoimmune condition which causes patchy hair loss it can result in single page or extensive patchy hair loss.

ALOPECIA TOTALIS:- Alopecia totalis is more advanced from of alopecia which result in total loss of hair from scalp.

ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS : – Most advanced form which result in total loss of hair on body including eyelashes and eyebrow

ALOPECIA BARBANE : – It is alopecia areata that is localized to beard area.

ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA : – Also known as a male pattern baldness or female baldness it is thinning of the hair to an almost transparent state in both men and women.

Serving since 4th generation to keep everyone health.

Alopecia – Areata
Alopecia – Totalis
Alopecia – Universalis
Alopecia – Barbane
Alopecia – Androgenic
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ALOPECIA:- hair loss from scalp or elsewhere from body.

ALOPECIA AREATA :- its believe to be autoimmune condition which causes patchy hair loss it can result in single page or extensive patchy hair loss.

ALOPECIA TOTALIS:- Alopecia totalis is more advanced from of alopecia which result in total loss of hair from scalp.

ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS : – Most advanced form which result in total loss of hair on body including eyelashes and eyebrow

ALOPECIA BARBANE : – It is alopecia areata that is localized to beard area.

ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA : – Also known as a male pattern baldness or female baldness it is thinning of the hair to an almost transparent state in both men and women.


Androgenic, Areata, Barbane, Totalis, Universalis


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