Kutajarishta Uses And Benefits


Ayurvedic medication has tends to be regained the lost fame due to its preventive, curative nature, less side effects and holistic approach. This is largely because of quality drugs, clinical trials and evidence based medicine. The large scale production of medicine is done by Ayurvedic pharmacies. Quality production is the need from these Ayurvedic pharmacies. Standardization of raw drugs, finished drugs and process validation are of prime importance for each dosage form including Sandhan Kalpana. During the pharmaceutical procedure of Madya and Suktat Sandhan the fungal growth during pharmaceutical procedure are considered as major problems. As the Bhaishajya Kalpana, most developed branch of Ayurveda, deals with the preparation of different formulations from the raw material available in the nature. This conversion depends upon many factors like availability of the drug throughout the year, shelf life, good taste, pleasant smell, quick in action even in small doses.

A conglomeration of source material by which shelf generated alcohol is prepared by keeping all together to convert it into a medicinal form called as Sandhan. Kutajarishta is a self-generated alcoholic preparation. It contains Holarrhena antidysenterica (Apocynaceae) as a chief ingredient. It is used in the condition like diarrhoea, dysentery disorders due to its antibacterial & antiprotozoal activity. This fermented product is prepared within 30-35 days.

Bhaishajya Kalpana, most developed branch of Ayurveda, deals with the preparation of different formulations from the raw material available in the nature. This conversion depend upon many factors like availability of the drug throughout the year, shelf life, good taste, pleasant smell, quick in action even in small doses. There are five basic kalpanas namely swarasa, kalka, shrit (kvatha), sheet (hima) and phanta mentioned. A conglomeration of source material by which shelf generated alcohol is prepared by keeping all together to convert it into a medicinal form called as Sandhan. Sandhan kalpana is mainly classified into two types Madhya and Shukta kalpana.
Asva and Arishta are medicated spirituous liquors. These are fermented preparations of medicinal plants. In Charaka Samhita nine sources for the preparation of Asva and Arishta are described i.e. phala (fruits), dhanya (cereals), mula (roots), pushpa (flowers), twak (bark), sara (exudates), khanda (branches), patra (leaves) and sharkara (sugar). Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica Linn) is the well known herbal the treatment of Raktarsh (piles), Atisar (diarrhea), Pravahika (dysentery) and Karimirogas (antienlathmetic) etc. The therapeutic efficacy of H. antidysenterica is due to the presence of alkaloids, of which, conessine is the major one. The total alkaloid content in H. antidysenterica stem bark varies from 0.22 to 4.2 % w/w. This fermented product is made up with six ingredients that are Kutaja (stembark), Mrdvika (draksha fruit), Madhuca Kusuma (flowers), Kashmari (stem bark), Guda, Dhataki (flowers) and Water for decoction.

1. Kutaja
2. Draksha
3. Madhuca
4. Gambhari
5. Guda
6. Dhataki
7. Water for decoction


1. All the ingredients were taken and weighed properly on the weighing balance in given quantity.
2. Washed (Draksha & Madhuca) and cleaned the kvatha dravya.

3. Add specified amount of water to the kvatha dravya & soaked overnight.

4. After that kvatha dravya were heated & reduced to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.
5. Add guda to the kvatha, dissolved and filter through the muslin cloth.

6. Transfer the filtrate to a clean container, add dhataki flowers and seal the mouth of the container. Shift the container to the dark room and constantly check for the signs of completion of fermentation process.


The fermented final product was made presentable after filtration. Separation of the slurry and kinva were achieved by filtration. This gains all the more importance if the prakshepa were directly scattered over the wort. Double layered cotton cloth piece was used for filtration.

After proper filtration, the liquid was kept for a few days to allow the suspended sediments if any, to settle down and again filtered to separate the sediment. Maturation adds to the organoleptic characters which were desirable in addition to the therapeutic benefits. Reduced nutrients leading to starvation phase for the microbial growth.

Chemical constituent of kutajarishta:
It contains Flavonoids, resins, steroidal alkaloids, tannins, ergosterol, saponins, coumarin, phenolic acid and triterpenoids.

Therapeutic uses of kutajarishta:
It has following properties:
Antidiarrheal, immunostimulatory, antiparasitic, antimotility, antisecretory, analgesic, anti inflammatory, antibacterial, Antidiabetic, antioxidant.

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