Month: March 2023

Myths Masturbation

Myths about masturbation for size increase

Addiction of masturbation is a serious problem it lead to damage tissue and nerves which cause hypersensitivity of penis that ultimately leads premature ejaculation, ED etc. Masturbation weakens the hormone responsible for producing sperm Masturbation makes a man moan, suffer and starve for real sex during the period of masturbating. It reduces the period of …

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Salam Mishri

सालम मिश्री (Salam Mishri) एक क्षुद्र जाति की वनस्पति होती है। यह नैपाल, कश्मीर, अफगानिस्तान और ईरान में पैदा होती है। इस वनस्पति का कंद सालम मिश्री कहलाता है। इसकी चार पाँच जातियाँ होती है। 1. सालम पंजा (Orchis Latifolia) इसका कंद आदमी के पंजे के आकार का होता है। 2. सालम लहसनिया या अबुशाहरी …

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Ayurveda has different views on cholesterol

Ayurveda has a slightly different view on cholesterol than Western medicine. Ayurveda views cholesterol as playing an important role in supporting and lubricating the body’s numerous circulatory channels, known as shrotas. The shrotas are the circulatory channels of the body; micro-shrotas carry nutrients to the cells and waste from the cells. Larger shrotas, such as …

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Why Ayurveda is Preferred Globally

Why Ayurveda is Preferred Globally

Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system remains the most ancient yet living traditions with sound philosophical and experimental basis. It is a science of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. It is known to be a complete medical system that comprised physical, psychological, philosophical, ethical, and spiritual health. In Ayurveda, each …

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